Sunday, December 11, 2022

The Twelve Weeks of Christmas: Movie Edition-Week 11

The Twelve Weeks of Christmas: Movie Edition-Week 11
Home Alone
There are a couple of food scenes in Home Alone, but the one that stands out the most, is the cheese pizza Kevin wants so badly and was unable to get at the family dinner. He comes up with a hilarious, if cruel, way of finally getting his own pizza. Because of this, I decided to try making my own cheese pizza. It turned out to be half successful. The sauce was great, the dough, not so much. Because of that, I will only be sharing the sauce element, because I don't want to share a recipe that didn't work!

I used this recipe, which claimed to be easy, and turned out to be true. This was a super simple recipe, using ingredients most people have in their pantry. It made far more than I needed for the pizza, so I will portion and freeze the rest to test out other pizza dough recipes in the future.
This is it for the ingredients. I don't have garlic salt so I made a combo of salt and granulated garlic and that's all garlic salt is, so don't waste your money on a product you could just easily make yourself.
Here it all is, ready to mix. It's a well-seasoned sauce!
This is perfectly thick, as pizza sauce should be. If you didn't want to use the leftovers for more pizza, you could always thin it down and use it for spaghetti sauce.
The pizza was a very unround shape, it just ended up being whatever shape it wanted to be. I put TONS of cheese on it, including feta. If you have not had feta cheese on a pizza, you are missing out!
Here was the final product. The sauce does soak into the dough and toppings, so I recommend putting a lot of sauce on the dough.

This pizza would not have made Kevin happy, and I want to keep looking for the perfect pizza dough recipe, but when I find it, at least I'll have a sauce I like, ready to go!

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